통합 검색

통합 검색

Problems in the existing broiler industry

Here are examples of issues within the current broiler industry that we are working to address with solutions:

Hatch Window/Transportation 

The hatch window in the broiler industry, the time between the first and last chick hatching, causes weight discrepancies of 20-30% due to earlier-hatched chicks starving. This disparity persists post-hatching, resulting in a productivity decrease of about 15-20%. Long transport distances and extended hatch windows also induce motion sickness, compromising immunity and necessitating excessive antibiotic use.

Sex Differences 

Male chicks tend to display accelerated and more proficient growth rates when contrasted with their female counterparts. Nonetheless, the existing system struggles to fully capitalize on this inherent advantage due to prevailing inefficiencies within the process. Moreover, the requirement for sex determination prior to incubation entails the utilization of specialized techniques and methodologies, adding complexity to the overall procedure.

Poor Raising Environment

Providing optimal temperature conditions in the broiler house poses challenges due to the varying health conditions and growth stages of different chick groups. The bedding utilized in numerous broiler farms necessitates meticulous handling, as improper management could adversely affect the health of the broilers. Moreover, low energy efficiency and subpar housing conditions further compound the challenges faced.

Distributed Raising System

Providing optimal temperature conditions in the broiler house poses challenges due to the varying health conditions and growth stages of different chick groups. Additionally, the existing tunnel ventilation system faces issues such as heat bombs. Moreover, low energy efficiency and subpar living conditions further compound the challenges faced.

Limited Data Collection

Implementing big data analysis in the broiler industry proves challenging due to the decentralized nature of broiler raising, which involves many individual farmers. The wide array of living conditions across farms complicates standardization. Moreover, limited data availability exacerbates the issue, with only 6 to 7 (average) data collection instances per year from each broiler house.

Farm Centric Production

The current broiler breeding system operates as a one-way supply chain, delivering broiler chickens from farms to consumers without accommodating the individual health conditions or circumstances of consumers. Consequently, it overlooks consumers' rights to make informed choices tailored to their preferences and needs.